A mostly automated roundup of what the Yak Collective was up to this week. Yaks can jump on the server to join in. If you’re not yet a member, consider joining.
channel activity
Astonishing Stories. Fiction study group that occasionally publishes speculative fiction
General Discussion. I’m looking to assemble a computing reading starter pack that contains, at most, 10 books. Assume, say, an undergrad level of familiarity with computer science and programming. What ten texts are up for inclusion? / Anyone interested in a decentralized finance study group? thinking about starting one up / Anyone interested in regular weekly coworking sessions?
Infrastructure. how hard would it be to write the readingadd url list to a spreadsheet? reflecting on the governance chat exercise we just did, starting to summarize/tag a year’s worth of readings to make a summary whitepaper, it strikes me that piping link shares into a spreadsheet creates a very useful starting point in general, for many accumulating value conversations
New Old Home and Country. Making a call for interesting case studies in the emergent roles & projects spun up or faltered during the course of the pandemic. This would begin as a slide presentation just like last year’s The New Old Home and could go for there to multimedia formats.
Online Governance Studies. Today‘s coworking session on the 6-pager. Agenda: 10 minutes reading, 10 minutes comments, 40 minutes working on the spreadsheet together (should be obvious what we‘re trying to do from the spreadsheet, but I‘ll provide some direction). But just for fun, we'll also do a very quick reading/discussion too of a very relevant article, as we attempt to do this... Metacrap: Putting the torch to seven straw-men of the meta-utopia - Cory Doctorow
Philosophy. we are currently on hiatus; I'll have a time confirmed this week for the beginning of the next which will be early July
Quantum Computing. Would anyone be interested in a project or study group on quantum computing? I don’t have a specific direction in mind, but with tools like Qiskit https://qiskit.org/ it looks not so hard to play around and do something interesting.
Yakfit. Exploring wearables and fitness goals for yaks.
yak rover updates
Nature is Murder. Got started on CAD model of the actual final design, ordered a bunch more goodies. Boot up the BBBlue and get to led blink on it. CAD is an REPL even though it doesn't look like it
Wonderful Wandering Growth. debugged video source duplication (for streaming, dual access to images) and googledrive and twitter integrations. wrote some underlying code for twitter usability. finish tweepy based twitter integration. using tools/libraries with version 0.X is "fun"
Abio Flex Wanderer. Tentative coding on BOS to cover goal modeling and planning in the bot. The context is for the bot to "discover" what to do when it cannot progress (e.g. never walked up stairs, how to). Continue on BOS tentatives, and complete what I could not this week on the OAK-1 camera. Remote access to the bot is down, and I lost my opportunities this week to deal with the OAK-1 configuration. A discussion with Maier on my work compared my approach to SLAM (the now famous problem definition). In fact this work could be seen as some form of SLAM for concepts/knowledge. Tentatively calling it CLAM.

Current gigs. Details on the server.
Was asked to spread word about this position at the Exeter Ed Incubator - part of the prestigious University of Exeter. It’s a remote job, but you’ll need to based in the UK. id 14
I am looking for a product engineer to work on a new headphone project I am looking to get off the ground. essentially the idea is modular over ear headphones where if anyone any one part breaks then as part of a subscription you can get a replacement part without having to replace the whole thing. id 18
looking for a graphic designer who can take technical process and architecture diagrams and make them look attractive. id 19
Client is looking for a react-native front-end dev for a 2 week UI sprint towards launch. id 20
cool job alert: Linktree is hiring a Head of Creators and a friend is leading the recruiting for the role. who’s the right person for the job? id 23
came across this 6 week research project for a food business thought someone here might be interested. id 26
Urban tech startup is looking for a contract mobile developer, for a small project, to get an app on the app stores (it’s a single-task app for sensor installers, with no commercial activity on the app) id 29
Justice tech startup is hiring a Product Designer! id 30
yaks at work
The Ultimate Guide & Reasons To Take A Sabbatical
Communal computing, part 1. How do we build devices that are shared… | by Chris Butler | Medium
Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #2 | by Benjamin P. Taylor | Medium
Links for June, 2021 - What I’m Reading
Making sense of systems change and systems leadership | by Benjamin P. Taylor | Medium
Building a healthier internet with Jeremy Hurst, co-founder of Idenati - Ness Labs
What I learned from 100 intentional LinkedIn posts | by Benjamin P. Taylor | | Medium
In world of infinite overlapping possibility and multiple, irreconcilable differences, what does #education mean? | by Benjamin P. Taylor | Medium
An ode to slowness: the benefits of slowing down - Ness Labs
Accidental Designs – 1 - Ribbonfarm Studio
links shared
Astonishing Stories: Weird is part of the job
Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought.
Yak Collective Calendar
Critical Business School
Playing with RISC-V #shorts - YouTube
Qiskit Learn
76: Comparative Analysis of Organizations – Charles Perrow – (1967) Talking About Organizations Podcast | Systems Community of Inquiry
Ideas That Created the Future | The MIT Press
503 - Service Unavailable Error
fast.ai · Making neural nets uncool again
The History of Clarus the Dogcow – 512 Pixels
The Fart Limit #shorts - YouTube
Archaeologists recreated three common kinds of Paleolithic cave lighting | Ars Technica
Twitter Rallies Behind HBO Max Intern Blamed for Test Email Accidentally Sent to Subscribers
Apply for the CabinDAO Creator Residency Program — Mirror
Who wants to run a B2B SaaS startup?
Diagram Transformation — The Sub Bench
Kurt Daradics ⚡ on LinkedIn: Head of Creators - Linktree
Numina | Know Your Streets - Multimodal data for urban planners & facilities managers
Product Designer. Remote | by Felicity Conrad | Paladin | Medium
The Norwich Conference Network » WARRIOR, WALDGAENGER, ANARCH
Eumeswil - Wikipedia
RUF - Chrome
Governance Chat 6-pager - Google
Quantum computing for the determined | Michael Nielsen
Quantum Country
Shtetl-Optimized » Quantum
Learn quantum computing: a field guide - IBM Quantum
Composer - IBM Quantum
Animation Obsessive
Travis McGee - Wikipedia
Astonishing Stories
Adactio: Journal—Notified
Company Starts Shipping Its $50,000 Mind-Reading Helmet
michael jantzen unveils five experimental greenhouses from 1972 to 1980
Weekend Linkages: Regime of Signs | Root Simple
inspectAR PCB Tools on the App Store
Slab - Knowledge Base & Wiki That Democratizes Knowledge
Slab - Your Team’s Long Term Memory
Alison Gopnik on the different (and similar) ways robots and children learn - The Robot Brains Podcast | Podcast on Spotify
Desoldering Header Pins - Collin’s Lab Notes #adafruit #collinslabnotes - YouTube
Small 6V 1W Solar Panel - Silver : ID 3809 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Extending the RISC-V architecture with domain specific accelerators - Embedded.com
Acoustic simultaneous localization and mapping (A-SLAM) of a moving microphone array and its surrounding speakers | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
To build in public or not… that’s the question, eh? | by Kanika Tibrewala | Jun, 2021 | UX Collective
Alison Gopnik The Gardener and the Carpenter
Buttondown’s API schema
Buttondown Integrations | Connect Your Apps with Zapier
On Rover Languages · Discussion #3 · rhettg/stubborn · GitHub
Embedded EcoSystem for Rovers - Beyond Arduinos - to edit - العروض التقديمية من Google
Yak Rover Weekly Standup
Record a video meeting - Google Meet Help
Fomu | Crowd Supply
Amazon SageMaker Neo
Apache TVM
GitHub - abcminiuser/avr-tutorials: LaTeX typeset versions of my popular AVR Tutorials.
Motionographer Hold me, I’m scared: Your guide to navigating the hold system
FreeRTOS - Real-time operating system for microcontrollers - AWS
The µLab Kiwi Aims to Simplify FPGA Programming, Offers a Quick-Start Smart Project Generator - Hackster.io
OrangeCrab: A Formidable Feature-Packed FPGA Feather - Hackster.io
Starlink review: dreams, not reality - The Verge
Revealed: why animals’ pupils come in different shapes and sizes
Revealed: why animals’ pupils come in different shapes and sizes
Analog electronic design without the trial and horror – Bits&Chips
Search for Life: NASA JPL Explores Martian-Like Caves - YouTube
What is the difference between a fast computing system and a real-time computing system? - Quora
Hyundai x Boston Dynamics | As mobility evolves so does humanity - YouTube
Modern Microprocessors - A 90-Minute Guide!
Unitree - Go1
This $2,700 robot dog will carry a single bottle of water for you - The Verge
Unitree A1 Quadruped Robot
Thermocline - Wikipedia
Reterritorialization — Part 2 — The Individual | by Accelerating Meltdown | Bleeding Into Reality | Medium
The Alignment System - True Neutral
Partial Common Ownership - RadicalxChange
Stewardship of global collective behavior | PNAS
11 strategies for keeping your coliving community clean - Supernuclear
The 9 types of people you find in coliving - Supernuclear
Group decision-making in coliving - Supernuclear
The Time Machine - Wikipedia
GitHub - HewlettPackard/swarm-learning
Build and Fund the Open Web Together | Gitcoin
III. CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system
How Haier Works - Video Animation - YouTube
‘At first I thought, this is crazy’: the real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war | Life and style | The Guardian
Yak Bot Project · GitHub
Blog – Wider.Team
Phil Wolff – Wider.Team
Scripting News: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Nakatomi Space – BLDGBLOG
Yak trails 2021-06-20 | Project exhausts and Discord convos
Color Combinations - mymind
BSAG » Exporting references from Zotero to Tiddlywiki
Orger: plaintext reflection of your digital self | beepb00p
Notes to Self - Phil - This wiki now lives at https://youneedastereo.com/
Using DevTools to Tweak Designs in the Browser | CSS-Tricks
Yak trails 2021-06-20 - Yak Talk