Herewith a roundup of what Yak Collective indies have been up to this past week. Yaks can jump on the server to join in. If you’re not yet a Yak Collective member, check us out and consider joining here.
#yak rover project updates
Stubborn. Completed next iteration of command language. Much more usable. Operability tests performed by a 6-year old to great success. Will plan to focus more on drivability. FFWD command, for example, kicks so hard it registers as an impact. Need to develop some sort Attack and Decay concept. Each time the rover would break due to either my software or a loose wire, the 6-year old assume it was her fault. Being more accepting of faults seems like a critical engineering lesson to teach.
Wonderful Wandering Growth. collected images to use for trying out various stereo/sfm/flow algorithms, and ideas and papers thereon. sunglasses using polarized strips, maybe from an LCD display, more work on vision and/or on closed loop. stereo is still hard. insight: reality has a surprising amount of detail. instead of trying to regularize it, maybe rover can glorify in it and use it. added some twitter functionality. consider twitter polls

#infrastructure project updates
we started on the idea of a YakCollective legal layer (licensing, IP protection, confidentiality, YakC incorporation). an intention of #coffee-with-a-yak was to facilitate casual, pre-formal conversations with potential team-mates and potential clients
discussed ui for projects. raising visibility of new and ongoing projects. consider moving project ui to knack
discussed ui for server bots
#recent working agenda adds by channel
Yak projects are coordinated in server channels. Yaks can use $agendalist to view channel agendas and $agendaadd to add to the channel agenda.
id 72. what’s our stack for the Yak Cafe service? profiles for yaks, for team conversations, for scheduling, for calls, for coordination messaging?
id 74. what are ToS for Yak Cafe for the yaks and for guests?
id 48. UX for convening an event (same topic/time for live call)
id 59. Roam API? repo last updated 4 months ago
id 69. update or archive #subscribe-projects#internal-learnings
id 63. agree on channel lifecycles. start. pause. archive#future-of-governance
id 18. establish content licensing model for website content
id 19. establish financial governance model#philosophy
id 76. on Sunday morning 8am CST we are continuing to read Rene Girard’s The Scapegoat#yak-marketing
id 13. how to build a calendar of expected marketing events
id 27. interactive serendipity engine for yakc#yak-rover
id 31. discuss how to publish project on
id 55. limited scope participation
id 56. legal and IP for rover assets/code
Two channels on the server focus on what folks use to get stuff done as an indie consultant: #tool-time and #production. This week we highlight what tools is Nitzan Hermon using:
Emails — > > Ghost
Sites — Jekyll > Ghost. Cargo. Persona.
URL — bundled — CBS + Coaching + Thirdness + The Third Space (soon) + blog + (paid) email > on Ghost
URLs — unbundled — homepage on Jekyll; research:, and on Jekyll; studio: on Cargo (I am likely to change this); misc: on Persona; on Cargo (archive)
#links shared
Jodorowsky’s Dune - Wikipedia. yaks-at-work. 2021-06-04
Can the Subaltern Speak? | Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. voice-meta. 2021-06-04
Hoe Cultures: A Type of Non-Patriarchal Society. voice-meta. 2021-06-04
Stack Overflow Sold to Tech Giant Prosus for $1.8 Billion. weak-signals. 2021-06-04
Poe's Best-Selling Book During His Lifetime Was a Guide to Seashells - Atlas Obscura. coworking-cafe. 2021-06-04
Poe's Best-Selling Book During His Lifetime Was a Guide to Seashells - Atlas Obscura. coworking-cafe. 2021-06-04
The SEO MBA. general-discussion. 2021-06-04
MECANT on kävelevä kone. yak-rover. 2021-06-04
Passport – Stratechery by Ben Thompson. online-governance-studies. 2021-06-03 Empowering Entrepreneurs to Build Cooperatively-Owned Businesses. online-governance-studies. 2021-06-02
‘Cruella’ is aggressively mediocre, but Emma Stone still shines. yak-poop. 2021-06-02
Online database and workflow templates: Project Management. infrastructure. 2021-06-02
Real Flight Personal Drone Flying - YouTube. yak-rover. 2021-06-02
Spaghetti Style Twitter. yak-rover. 2021-06-01
Hashtags felt dated and cringeworthy. So why are influencers still using them? general-discussion. 2021-06-01
The Meat Question. why-do-whoop. 2021-06-01
How to Choose the Right Dose of Exercise for Your Brain | Outside Online
why-do-whoop. 2021-05-31Onshape | Product Development Platform. yak-rover. 2021-05-31
JAXA to send tiny transforming robot to the lunar surface. yak-rover. 2021-05-31
GitHub OCTO | Flat Data. tool-time. 2021-05-31
All is Orwell by Gerald Frost. online-governance-studies. 2021-05-29
Plague and renaissance. online-governance-studies. 2021-05-29
The Great Affordability Crisis Breaking America - The Atlantic
new-old-home-and-country. 2021-05-29Why You Should Wait Out the Wild Housing Market - The Atlantic
new-old-home-and-country. 2021-05-29Plague and renaissance. online-governance-studies. 2021-05-29
NocoDB | Turns your SQL database into a Nocode platform. Free & Open Source. tool-time. 2021-05-29
Geneva | A home for groups of all shapes and sizes. tool-time. 2021-05-29
The truth is out there — Today, Explained — Overcast. astonishing-stories. 2021-05-29
How Kudumbashree Changed 5 Million Lives in Kerala. online-governance-studies. 2021-05-28